Read About Us

Our History and Philosophy

Dear Prospective Customer :

    We would like to take a moment to tell you a little history of how we started and what we are all about.

     We became licensed in June 1988 and started with commercial service and repair. We ahve been in business over 15 years. After starting to offer pool remarciting, we found that we had to sub-contract the work and the quality was not up to our standards. We decided to form our own Marcite company shortly thereafter. AT that time we only worked with builders and service companies.

     At that point we became fully licensed and insured, decided to do direct advertising and mailings to solicit new business for ourselves — and it worked !

     Our philosophy was and is “Deal directly with the contractor and ave money” ! We eliminated the middleman. Simply stated — We put out a quality job at a wholesale price, and work off a hugh network of our satisfied South Florida customers.

     Now, since we have been doing this, we have caused a few ruffled feather within the industry. We have seen competitors come and go ( along with the “warranties” they issued. We have seen others take shortcuts and mislead our prospective customers.  Therefore, we have prepared a checklist to help you decide on a pool refinishing company.

                           Questions to Ask Your Pool Refinishing Company

1 : How long has the company been doing business ?   We’ve been in business over 15 years !

2.: Are excessive deposits required ?   We do not even ask for the deposit as we are sure that you will be pleased with our work !

3. Does the company really do their own work ?  We use our own crews ! No sub-contracting to temporary and unqualified help !

    The bottom line is simply this:  Educate Yourself. We have tried to say everything so that you can make an informed decision whether to do business with us. By asking the questions above, you will have a fair basis to compare companies and how best to proceed.

     Remember, we have fully licensed and insured. If you choose a contractor who is not licensed and certified, you waive your right to seek restitution from the state construction industry recovery fund if you are victimized.

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